Woodball is a lawn game that encourages friends to enjoy the fun of playing ball in the green field with sunshine and great scene. The sport is popular among all the universities in Hong Kong due not only to the well-designed equipment, which includes ball, mallet and gate, but to the simplicity of learning and playing. Many techniques used in woodball is same as golf including stance, posture and swing. The key difference between them is that woodball is far heavier than a golf ball to limit it only rolling on the grass. In general, a woodball course contains 12 fairways with gates and winner is generated by who completes these gates with the fewest strokes.
The Woodball team was established in 2003 and had great reward in Intervarsity Competitions. Unfortunately it disappeared over 10 years in HKUST. To promote the sport in campus, the Woodball Club, HKUSTSU was founded this year in 2019 to let more people recognize this healthy and energetic sport. As the nature of this sport, members are enable to strengthen the linkage among students from tertiary institutions.
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