University Sports Teams
The HKUST Sports Teams are formed mainly through the Sports Clubs. There are currently over 50 HKUST Sports Teams. They are enthusiastic participants of inter-collegiate, local and international sports competitions. They have brought back trophies and awards, and most importantly, a broader vision of the world and life beyond campus.
Since 1991, the HKUST Sports Teams have taken part in sports competitions organized by the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong (USFHK) and the All China University Games in China. A number of HKUST Sports Clubs also take the lead in organizing annual sport tournaments for their local and overseas counterparts in various events such as archery, fencing, handball, korfball, netball, rowing, sport climbing, tchoukball and volleyball. Attempts have also been made to establish ongoing and regular exchange programs in sports and cultural events with overseas universities.
>>> To know more about the individual Sports Clubs and Teams, please click below: